01642 605838
Other Organisations:
Justice First:
Justice First is a charity formed in 2006 working with people in the Tees Valley who are seeking asylum.
Tel: 01642 601122
North of England Refuge Service:
Representing the interests of Asylum Seekers and Refugees who have arrived and settled in the North of England.
Tel: 0191 245 7301
Citizens Advice:
The Citizens Advice service helps people to resolve their problems. Any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.
Tel: 03454 04 05 06
Red Cross:
The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.
Tel: 0844 871 11 11
The Angelou Centre
The Angelou Centre is a black-led women’s centre based in the Newcastle upon Tyne who offer a range of holistic women only services for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women across the North East region.
Tel:0191 226 0394
Family and Careres Service
Providing a holistic service for Carers, children, parents and all family affrected by substance misuse and alcohol issues.
Tel: 01642 605222/07957224486