01642 605838
Black History Youth Awards
The need for Black History Youths Awards arose from the realisation and need that within the black community in Tees Valley some young people are facing various challenges based on their circumstances and situations in which they find themselves.
This dinner is aimed at celebrating achievement of black youths, promoting and celebrating positive role models within and outside of the community, and supporting “It’s You and Me mentoring project” that aim to address the specific needs of the young people. This awards will celebrate successes rather than focusing on negative stories and images. The African adage “It takes a village to raise a child” is the ethos behind this initiative.
The awards will provide the young people with an opportunity to experience what they sometimes think is unachievable, listen and meet with positive role models from various communities.
This prestigious black tie event will recognise and celebrate the importance of hard work, cultural diversity and showcase efforts of black youths but also provide a platform to support our mentoring project Its You & Me. The funds raised on the evening will be used to develop the mentoring project which will continue to encourage and support young people. The awards will also recognise individuals, organisations and businesses that support these communities.
How to get involved!
The success of an event of this nature is only possible by the generosity of organisations like yours; businesses that care about the development communities they operate in. There are a number of ways you can support this project;
Buy a table and donate 5 seats on your table to young people to enable them attend the dinner.
Suspend a ticket for a young person to attend the dinner
Sponsor an award
Be a mentor - You can support our mentoring program where role models can be a big brother or sister to a young person giving them help and support where needed.
Donation - Be it a raffle prize or a financial donation, We are grateful no matter how big or small the offer is
BHYA 2014

Why support us?
Investment in our young people has never been more important. By sponsoring and supporting this project you will be demonstrating your commitment towards nurturing and development of some of the future leaders in the country. Sponsorship of an award offers you the opportunity to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and create positive role models while fulfilling your corporate social responsibilities.
For further information please contact Sade;
T: 01642-605838
M: 07748 644864
E: tasteofafrica.teesside@gmail.com
P: Cultures CIC, 66 Dovecot Street, Stockton TS18 1LL
