This is an Igbo and Yoruba (Nigeria) proverb we utilise to initiate our visions of our mentoring programme. We aim to be part of the village that will nurture the creativity and intelligence of all the young people we will have the pleasure of mentoring. Our youth are our pride and joy so they need the help to be the best that they can be.
What it means to us
How we will achieve this
"It Takes A Village To Raise A Child"
Our main way of achieving this is by developing the identity of the young person. Identity can be skewed by labels administrated by society and our peers; but it is our job to see the individual and showcase the young person's talents and ideas in a way that makes them feel proud. We want to provide an environment where young people are free to be themselves without pressures to fit into stereotypes surrounding them.

"One knee does not bring up a child"
-Sukuma (Tanzania) proverb
"One hand does not nurse a child."
-Swahili (East and Central Africa) proverb